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Robert Feol Video of His Workshop at Investor Bonanza!

When 20 students gathered around Robert’s laptop during one of the session breaks at Investor Bonanza, he didn’t realize it.  He was simply looking at one student’s wholesale website who asked for some pointers – and the conversation sounded something like this:

“Well, you aren’t using the desktop real estate on the home page as effectively as you can.  And, I would truncate this long text and add media here.  Why am I scrolling down so much?  Your domain name is vary vague and ambiguous, so maybe you need to rethink that?  I would change it.  It is hard for me to discern exactly what it is you do and where you do it, so lets make some alterations here…and here.  This needs clarity, but if you make these changes I really think you will see substantial results!”  Students scribbled notes furiously while Robert pointed to the computer screen.

The next thing he new, Noreen Snellman, business partner of Don Derosa and coordinator of the Investor Bonanza, said “with so many people surrounding you, do you think you can put together a presentation for us?  And by the way, what exactly are you discussing??? () ”

Robert of course, was discussing his two favorite subjects – wholesaling investment real estate and making it easier and more effective through robust internet marketing.  But putting together a presentation in less than an hour wasn’t an easy task, to be sure!

By no means claiming to be an internet marketing expert, no one can can deny that Robert Feol is in fact a Wholesaling expert – he wholesaled 176 properties in 2008 alone.  So, if you want to be an investor maybe you should bookmark this video!

Robert Feol Presents at Investor Bonanza in Atlanta, Georgia, October 3rd 2009!!!!!

Feol opened with a Zen story where the audience was silent.  When he closed, the spellbound crowd’s silence was shattered by thunderous applause!!!  So, get here and take some notes!

[Submitted by editor Rob Mariott]