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2684 Margot, Memphis, TN 38119
Address: 2684 Margot Memphis, Tennessee 38111
Purchase Price: $89,900
Rent Range: $795 – $895/month
Property Type: Residential Single Family
Beds/Baths: 3 beds, 1 bath
# of Units: 1
Square Feet: 888(est)
Occupancy Status: All work included in price, see scope of work for details.
Year Built: 1956(est)
Yearly Property Tax: $600/annually(estimated)
Note: This home is in good condition currently occupied by a tenant. Price is ‘as is’ and includes a home warranty. Tenant has been in home for 5 years and wants to stay subject to a negotiated rent increase acceptable to both parties. Home warranty included in purchase price. Turnkey Price is $112,900. If tenant vacates it would be simple to redo kitchen, bath, paint interior and exterior, and install new roof. You can purchase the home turnkey also. Talk to your sales provider for options and details.
Sq/Ft Total
1 Full / Half
Garage Spaces